Certificate Management
Many of the Merge components require TLS certificates for secure and encrypted communication. We recommend using a tool called cfssl for certificate generation. Here is an example of generating a certificate authority along with a commander certificate
Certificate Authority Configuration
"signing": {
"default": {
"expiry": "4700h"
"profiles": {
"spineleaf": {
"usages": ["signing", "key encipherment", "server auth", "client auth"],
"expiry": "4700h"
Certificate Authority Certificate Signing Request
"CN": "spineleaf",
"key": {
"algo": "rsa",
"size": 2048
"names": [
"C": "US",
"L": "Marina del Rey",
"ST": "California",
"O": "spineleaf",
"OU": "CA"
Commander Certificate Signing Request
"CN": "spineleaf:cmdr",
"key": {
"algo": "rsa",
"size": 2048
"names": [
"C": "US",
"L": "Marina del Rey",
"ST": "California",
"O": "spineleaf",
"OU": "datastores"
Generate Certificate Authority
./cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json | ./cfssljson -bare ca
Generate Commander Certificate
./cfssl gencert \
-ca=ca.pem \
-ca-key=ca-key.pem \
-config=ca-config.json \
-hostname=spineleaf.mergetb.test,localhost, \
-profile=spineleaf \
cmdr-csr.json | ./cfssljson -bare cmdr