
Behold, the fattree.

Complete Example

import mergexp as mx
topo = mx.Topology('fattree')
def spine(index):
d = topo.device('spine%d'%index)
d.props['color'] = "#575ced"
return d
def leaf(index):
d = topo.device('leaf%d'%index)
d.props['color'] = "#9497f3"
return d
def tor(index):
d = topo.device('tor%d'%index)
d.props['color'] = "#ea483c"
return d
def node(index):
d = topo.device('node%d'%index)
return d
# topology parameters
nspine, spine_radix = 4, 4
nleaf, leaf_radix = 8, 4
ntor, tor_radix = 8, 4
nnode = 4*ntor
spine = [spine(i) for i in range(nspine)]
leaf = [leaf(i) for i in range(nleaf)]
tor = [tor(i) for i in range(ntor)]
node = [node(i) for i in range(nnode)]
# node to tor
for i,n in enumerate(node):
topo.connect([n, tor[i//4]])
# tor to leaf
up = tor_radix//2
for i,t in enumerate(tor):
for j in range(tor_radix//2):
# leaf to spine
up = leaf_radix//2
for i,a in enumerate(leaf):
for j in range(up):
topo.connect([a, spine[(i*up+j)%nspine]])